It’s an art subscription of 4 in. x 6 in. collectibles (unframed) that comes to you 4 times per year. You’ll receive 3 pieces every quarter. (see “How Your Quarterly Subscription Box works” below.)
There will be a variety of themes such as:
- Prayer Wall Art
- Vintage
- Nature Inspired
- Asian FusionSome of the artwork will have quotes, inspiring words or messages, prayers, or mandalas, all designed to inspire reminders of Heart - Soul - Mind - Body Alignment with the Source of Life.
You can collect some or all of the themes depending on your desires. Many people make wall space to collect all of their favorites (over time) which becomes a regular reminder, in living color, of Life’s offerings available to every Soul.
New pieces every few months to activate your consciousness, enliven your spirit, and infuse healing energy into your space, keeping things fresh and awake.
• Build a prayer art wall behind your meditation space or on any wall in your home or office. Simply walking by your art transmits Light and Love.
• Gift one or more pieces of the art to another
• Become a collector and build a collection of Love-infused artwork
• Place/lean artwork on small easels, wall shelves, bookshelf, or a fireplace mantel.
• Have a favorite piece matted and framed to occupy a larger space. -
Yes, you sign up for the subscription in order to enjoy a lower price for artwork but you are not obligated in any way. You can start and stop anytime.
You may also purchase any Quarterly Collectibles in the gift shop at regular price for yourself or others.
Just let us know and we’ll include that in your box at the subscription price.
For sure, you can set up a subscription for another, gift your box to another (be sure an let us know in the order form, we’ll need the recipients name and address), or you can gift what you receive to another.

How your Quarterly Subscription Box works
• 3 pieces from a theme (see themes below) - At the beginning of each Quarter (Jan, April, July, October) you will receive 3 fresh pieces of 4” x 6” (approx.) artwork. Your Box will be mailed to you within 2-3 weeks.
• Surprise my friend - Let us know and we’ll send a gift box to your friend as a surprise!
• Pause this Quarter - You may choose to pause a Quarterly box once per year to maintain subscription pricing.
You’ll then confirm you want the box sent to you, or choose to send the box as a gift to another on the checkout page. While you wait for your box of inspiration to arrive, decide where they’ll live, make space, and tidy up a bit. Please note: Quarterly sets of 3 art pieces can’t be broken up. You are ordering all 3 pieces for each quarter.
• Prayer Art
• Vintage
• Nature Inspired
• Asian Fusion
All pieces come unframed and are 4 inches x 6 inches unless otherwise noted. Any piece can be matted and framed into a larger size.
Your Quarterly Box will arrive in the next Quarter after sign up
Q1 = Jan, Feb, Mar
Q2 = April, May, June
Q3 = July, August, Sept
Q4 = Oct, Nov, Dec.
(see “How Your Quarterly Subscription Box works” above)
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