I’ve never improved anything in my life without help and support. I heard the phrase years and years ago, “You don’t know what you don’t know”. I made a vow to myself that I would always be open to learning and to actively seek out ways to grow my soul. As I’ve done that, I’ve discovered what it means to truly HEAL.
To me HEAL is an acronym for Health, Expression, Abundance, Love. As I regularly tend to each of these aspects of my being, I heal, transform and grow. Active learning and growing shows me what I don’t realize I don’t know.
I’ve had so many teachers over the decades and I honor each of them deeply. I couldn’t have done it without them! While I still have teachers, I’m also a teacher myself and I invite you to take a look at the options on this page. If you open one of these doors for yourself, you can look forward to the sacred journey of growing your soul. It’s what every soul craves. I hope to see you on the journey!
What if you could put an end to fatigue, pain, and dis-ease, so you never had to live without energy, clarity, peace and purpose again.
Would that be a journey worth taking?
When a woman decides to tend to her Sacred Health, she no longer fears every ache, pain, symptom, or diagnosis. She learns how to manage her energy, release what’s stuck, and access her blueprint of health deep in every cell, available in every human being.
Sketchbook Studio
Are you new to a creative practice? Is it a bit intimidating but also holds some appeal? Would you like to use a creative practice to heal, transform, or upgrade your mind, body, and life!
Now you can!
Creative Health Process
Designed to give you access to deep healing with lasting impact. This occurs when we connect with our Creative Life Force (i.e. Higher Self) and play with intention.